This section includes all the publications, selected presentations and reference documents associated with the work conducted in the VALUing Ecosystem Services for environmental assessment (VALUES) project.
(some papers are still in preparation or currently under review)
<link http: events lca autumn><link https: events lca autumn>Integrated modeling to assess land use change impacts on ecosystem service provision: prospects for LCIA
by Rugani Benedetto (presenter) & Benoit Othoniel
Identifying and modelling the complex and interlinked human−environment nexuses is one affordable way to assess the relationships between antroposphere and geo-biosphere. Such an assessment shall support the establishment of environmental and nature conservation policies, and the life cycle sustainability development of technologies. The theory of ecosystem services (ES) turns out to be at the interface among these research and decision-making questions: assessing the value of ES means understanding and quantifying the very nature of coupled ecologi-cal−economic systems. While scientific effort intensifies in this domain, still relevant challenges underlie the implementation of integrated modelling frameworks, the analysis of future scenarios, and the interaction among different disciplines, such as methods of life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), spatial analysis and system dyna-mics. This workshop has deepened the discussion on the multi-scale and multi-objective features that underpin the ES assessment, with a special focus on the la-test developments in the field of LCIA combined with ecological modelling.
<link file:42 _blank>FLYER of the workshop (PDF 905 KB)
<link http: cycles-de-vie-donner-outils-aux-decideurs-faire-choix-responsables>Cycles de vie / Donner des outils aux décideurs pour faire des choix responsables
by Maurice Magar; published on "Le Jeudi" on 21 September 2017